Sunday 26 January 2014

The pictures below are of my first (and only) quilting project so far.  A friend brought me these eight pictures and asked me to sew them into a quilt for her.  I'd sewn before, obviously, but I had never quilted before, so I did some research online on how to quilt a wall-hanging.  Next, I researched what colours to use as background colours.  Regrettably, I am not artistic at all, so, yes, I did actually have to look that up.  The suggestions I found boiled down to this:  choose something with texture, in the same "era theme" as the subject pictures.  Hmm....  I found this textured-looking quilting cotton which seemed to fit the descriptions.  

I hope that my friend likes her quilt, as this sure was a time-consuming project!!!  Not sure I'm signing up for a quilting project again!!  I photographed this quilted wall-hanging using a couple of different features on my camera.....

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